The Biblical Definition of Revelation: Understanding God’s Divine Communication

  • Billy Cobb
  • Jun 23, 2024
The Biblical Definition of Revelation: Understanding God’s Divine Communication

What is Revelation in the Bible?

Revelation in the Bible is the act of revealing or disclosing knowledge or truth that was hidden or unknown. It is the process of uncovering something that was previously veiled or secret. The word ‘revelation’ comes from the Greek word ‘apokalupsis’, which means ‘uncovering’, ‘discovery’, or ‘disclosure’.

The Importance of Revelation in the Bible

Revelation plays a crucial role in the Bible as it helps us understand the nature and character of God. Without revelation, we would not be able to understand God’s plan and purpose for our lives. Through revelation, God communicates with us, reveals His will, and provides guidance and direction for our lives.

Furthermore, the Bible tells us that revelation is essential for our spiritual growth and development. In 2 Corinthians 3:18, it says, “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” This verse emphasizes the importance of revelation as a means to become more like God.

The Different Types of Revelation in the Bible

There are two main types of revelational knowledge in the Bible: General Revelation and Special Revelation.

General Revelation

General revelation is knowledge of God that is accessible to all people through creation. It is the revelation of God through natural means, such as the beauty and complexity of the universe. Psalm 19:1-2 states, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.”

Special Revelation

Special revelation is the revelation of God through supernatural means. It is the revelation of God through specific events, such as miracles and prophecies. It is also the revelation of God through inspired Scripture. Special revelation is how God chose to reveal Himself to humanity in a more direct and personal way. Special revelation is essential because it gives us a deeper and more personal understanding of God and His plan for our lives.

The Role of Revelation in Our Lives

Revelation is an essential aspect of our spiritual lives, and it should not be taken lightly. It is through revelation that we can come to know God more intimately and understand His will for our lives. We must seek revelation from God through prayer and studying His Word. Through the Holy Spirit, God can reveal His truth and will to us.

Furthermore, we must be open and receptive to the revelation God provides. This requires a willingness to learn and grow from the knowledge He gives us. By humbly seeking and receiving revelation, we can experience a deeper, more meaningful connection with God and grow in our faith journey.

In Conclusion

Revelation in the Bible is the revealing of truth, knowledge, and understanding that was previously unknown or hidden. It is the means by which God communicates with us, reveals His plan, and provides guidance and direction for our lives. Revelation is a vital aspect of our spiritual lives, and we must seek it out through prayer and studying His Word. By being open and receptive to the revelation God provides, we can grow in our understanding of Him and deepen our relationship with Him.

What is Revelation in the Bible?

Revelation in the Bible refers to the act of God disclosing or revealing Himself to humanity. It is a way for God to communicate with His people and help them understand His will and plan. The term “revelation” comes from the Greek word “apokalupsis,” which means “uncovering” or “disclosure.”

Revelation in the Bible can occur in various forms, including dreams, visions, and direct communication. These messages can be given to individuals or to groups, such as the prophets of the Old Testament or the apostles in the New Testament. The Bible itself is also considered a form of revelation, as it contains God’s message to humanity.

The Significance of Revelation

Revelation is significant because it allows individuals and communities to deepen their relationship with God and gain a greater understanding of their faith. It provides insight into God’s will and serves as a guide for how people should live their lives.

Revelation can also serve as a form of comfort and encouragement for believers. It can provide hope and assurance during times of hardship and uncertainty, reminding them that God is in control and has a plan for their lives.

Moreover, revelation in the Bible can challenge individuals and communities to evaluate their beliefs and actions, and to make necessary changes. It can reveal areas of sin and disobedience that need to be addressed, and provide guidance on how to move forward in faithful obedience.

Types of Revelation in the Bible

There are several types of revelation that occur in the Bible:

  1. Natural Revelation: This refers to God revealing Himself through His creation. The beauty and complexity of the natural world serve as a testament to God’s existence and power.
  2. Personal Revelation: This occurs when God speaks directly to an individual, such as through a dream or vision.
  3. Biblical Revelation: This refers to the message of God contained in the Bible. The Bible is considered to be the inerrant, inspired Word of God and provides a complete revelation of His plan and will for humanity.
  4. Prophetic Revelation: This occurs when God speaks through a prophet, who delivers a message to a community or group of people.

All of these types of revelation serve the same purpose – to reveal God’s will and plan to humanity.

The Role of Revelation in Christian Faith

Revelation plays a crucial role in Christian faith. It provides a foundation for beliefs and practices, and serves as a source of guidance and inspiration. Through revelation, Christians are able to develop a deeper understanding of God’s character and His relationship with humanity.

Revelation also helps Christians navigate difficult situations and make decisions in line with God’s will. By seeking God’s guidance and wisdom, they are better equipped to follow His plan for their lives and to act with love and compassion towards others.

Ultimately, the importance of revelation in the Bible lies in its ability to bring people closer to God and to help them grow in their faith. It serves as a reminder of God’s love and goodness, and as a guide for living a life that honors Him.

What is Revelation According to the Bible?

Revelation in the Bible is the act of revealing or disclosing something significant that couldn’t be known through natural means. It’s a divine or supernatural disclosure of information, knowledge, or instruction from God to humanity. Revelation can come to an individual or a group, and it’s often communicated through visions, dreams, or a direct encounter with God.

Examples of Revelation in the Bible

God’s revelation to Moses in the burning bush is a well-known example of revelation in the Bible. In Exodus 3:2-3, God reveals Himself to Moses through a bush that is burning but not consumed. The voice of God speaks to Moses and reveals His name as “I am who I am”. God also reveals to Moses that He has heard the cry of the Israelites and is coming to deliver them from slavery in Egypt.

The revelation to John in the Book of Revelation is another significant example of revelation in the Bible. The Book of Revelation is the final book of the New Testament and provides a vision of the end times. John was exiled on the island of Patmos when he received this revelation. The book contains various symbols, visions, and prophecies that have been interpreted in different ways by scholars and theologians throughout the years.

Personal revelation can also be experienced by individuals, as seen in the case of Paul on the road to Damascus. Paul, previously known as Saul, was a persecutor of Christians. However, while on the road to Damascus, Paul had a divine encounter with Jesus Christ, which led to his conversion to Christianity. This personal revelation transformed Paul from a persecutor to one of the most prominent figures in the early Christian church.

The Importance of Revelation in the Bible

Revelation plays a crucial role in the Bible as it provides divine guidance and instruction for humanity. It reveals the character and will of God and helps us to understand our purpose and the meaning of life. It also helps us to discern truth from falsehood and to live according to God’s will.

Additionally, revelation provides comfort and hope to believers, especially in times of hardship and trials. It reminds us that God is in control and that He has a plan and purpose for our lives. Revelation also provides assurance of our salvation and eternal life in Heaven, which is the ultimate goal for believers.


Revelation in the Bible is a significant concept that has shaped the beliefs and practices of Christians throughout the centuries. It provides divine guidance, instruction, and comfort to believers, and it reveals the character and will of God. Through the examples of revelation in the Bible, we can see God’s desire to communicate with humanity and to reveal His plans and purposes for us. As believers, we are called to seek God’s revelation in our lives and to align ourselves with His will.

The Biblical Definition of Revelation

Revelation in the Bible refers to the act of God revealing himself, his will, his plans, and his purposes to humanity. The Bible is the story of God’s revelation to humanity, starting with Adam and Eve, and culminating in Jesus Christ, the ultimate revelation of God in human form. The book of Revelation, also known as the Apocalypse, is the last book of the Bible and contains prophetic visions that reveal the end of the world as well as the victory of Christ over evil.

Interpreting Revelation in Context

One of the biggest challenges in interpreting Revelation is understanding the context in which the book was written. The book was written in a specific historical, cultural, and religious context, and it contains symbols, imagery, and language that may be unfamiliar to modern readers. It is important to study the historical and cultural background of the book and to have a good understanding of apocalyptic literature, which was a popular genre in the ancient world.

The Importance of Prayer and Study

Interpreting Revelation requires prayer and study. The book is complex and difficult to understand, and it is easy to become confused or misled by false interpretations. The Holy Spirit is the ultimate guide in understanding Scripture, and prayer is essential in seeking his guidance and wisdom. It is also important to study the Bible as a whole and to examine how other biblical books and passages shed light on Revelation.

Common Interpretations of Revelation

There are several common interpretations of Revelation, including the futurist view, the preterist view, the historicist view, and the idealist view. The futurist view holds that most of the prophecies in Revelation are yet to be fulfilled and that they refer to events that will happen in the future. The preterist view holds that most of the prophecies in Revelation were fulfilled in the first century and refer to events that occurred in the Roman Empire. The historicist view holds that Revelation is a symbolic representation of the history of the church from the time of Christ to the end of the world. The idealist view holds that Revelation is not a prophecy about specific historical events, but rather a symbolic representation of the ongoing battle between good and evil throughout human history.

The Importance of Humility

Interpreting Revelation can be a contentious and divisive issue, and it is important to approach the text with a spirit of humility. No one interpretation can claim to be the only correct one, and Christians should respect and engage with different viewpoints in a spirit of love and mutual learning. Ultimately, the purpose of Revelation is not to satisfy our curiosity about the end of the world, but to inspire us to live faithful lives in the present and to trust in the victory of Christ over all evil.

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