What is the Definition of Mormonism?

  • Billy Cobb
  • Sep 17, 2024
What is the Definition of Mormonism?

What is Mormonism?

Mormonism, also known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), is a Christian religion that was founded by Joseph Smith in the early 19th century. Smith, who was born in Sharon, Vermont, claimed to have received a revelation from God, which led him to start the religion

The main tenets of Mormonism center around the belief that Jesus Christ is the son of God and the savior of the world. Mormons consider themselves to be Christians and believe in the Bible as well as additional scripture such as the Book of Mormon, which is believed to have been translated by Smith from ancient golden plates.

Mormonism has grown into a global religion with millions of followers around the world, but it still maintains its roots in the United States, where it was first established. The church’s headquarters are in Salt Lake City, Utah, and it is one of the fastest-growing religions in the world.

The beliefs and practices of Mormonism can vary from one person to another and from one congregation to another. However, some of the common beliefs and practices include a focus on family, a commitment to service and charitable work, and a belief in the importance of personal revelation and spiritual experiences.

One of the most distinctive practices of the Mormon faith is the emphasis on missionary work. The church sends out thousands of young men and women on two-year missions to spread the message of the faith around the world. This practice has helped to make Mormonism a truly global religion, with followers in many countries and cultures.

Mormonism has a complex and fascinating history that is still being explored and studied today. From its origins in upstate New York to its current global reach, the religion has been shaped by the faith and commitment of millions of followers over the years.

Whether you are a Mormon or simply interested in learning more about this fascinating religion, there is no doubt that there is much to discover and explore. From the teachings of Joseph Smith to the vibrant community of believers around the world, Mormonism offers a unique perspective on faith, family, and the human experience.

Practices of Mormons

As a religion, Mormonism has a unique set of practices that its followers adhere to. These practices are an important part of the lives of Mormons, who believe that living according to these principles will bring them closer to God. Here are some of the practices of Mormons:

1. Baptism

Baptism is a fundamental practice in Mormonism. It is seen as a way for individuals to cleanse themselves of sin and make a commitment to living a righteous life. Mormons practice baptism by immersion, which means that a person is fully submerged in water to represent a symbolic spiritual rebirth.

2. Attendance at church services

Attending church services is an essential part of being a Mormon. They believe that by gathering together, they can learn and grow as a community of believers, and strengthen their faith in God. Mormons meet for worship services on Sundays and participate in a variety of activities and classes that are designed to help them increase their knowledge of the teachings of the church.

3. Tithing

Tithing refers to the practice of donating 10% of one’s income to the church. This money is used to support the work of the church, including building and maintaining houses of worship and supporting missionary work around the world. Mormons believe that tithing is an important way to show their gratitude to God and support the work of the church.

4. Abstaining from alcohol, tobacco, and premarital sex

Mormons are encouraged to live a clean and healthy lifestyle, which includes abstaining from alcohol, tobacco, and premarital sex. These practices are seen as important ways to maintain physical, emotional, and spiritual health, and to avoid behaviors that could lead to sin and moral decay.

5. Temple ordinances

Temples are sacred buildings where Mormons go to perform special ordinances that are unique to the Mormon faith. These ordinances include temple marriage, baptism for the dead, and the endowment, which is a series of instructions and covenants that Mormons believe prepare them for their eternal life with God. Temple ordinances are an important part of the Mormon faith, and are only performed by members who meet certain qualifications and are in good standing with the church.

In conclusion, the practices of Mormons are an essential part of their faith and help them to maintain their commitment to God and the teachings of the church. While some of these practices may seem strict or restrictive to outsiders, for Mormons, they are an important part of their spiritual journey and a way to live a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life.

History of Mormonism

Mormonism, also known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), is a religious movement founded in the United States in the early 19th century. The church started as a result of the religious ideas of Joseph Smith, who claimed to have received a revelation from God in the form of golden plates.

From its earliest days, the church faced intense persecution and opposition. Its members were hounded out of their homes, tarred and feathered, and even killed. In 1839, the church was forced to flee from Missouri to Illinois in search of a safe haven. It was in Illinois that the church established Nauvoo, a new city that grew rapidly under Smith’s leadership.

However, the church’s success was short-lived. In 1844, Smith was assassinated in Nauvoo by a mob, which led to a power vacuum in the church’s leadership. This led to a split in the church, with some members following Brigham Young to the Salt Lake Valley in Utah and others staying behind in Illinois.

Despite this split, the church continued to grow rapidly. Under the leadership of Young, the church established a strong presence in Utah and spread throughout the western United States. Today, the church has spread to every continent and has more than 16 million members worldwide.

Contemporary Mormonism

Mormonism, also known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is a religion founded by Joseph Smith in the early 19th century. Today, it’s one of the fastest-growing religions in the world, with millions of followers across the globe.

Contemporary Mormonism is a vibrant and dynamic faith that has continued to evolve and adapt over the years. While the core beliefs and practices of the church remain the same, there have been some significant changes and developments in recent times.

The Role of Women in the Church

One of the most significant changes in contemporary Mormonism has been the increased role of women in the church. In 2013, the church announced a historic decision to lower the minimum age for female missionaries from 21 to 19. This move has led to a surge in the number of female missionaries serving around the world.

Additionally, the church has also taken steps to increase the visibility and involvement of women in leadership positions. In 2015, the church announced the creation of new leadership positions for women at the local level, known as ward and stake councils. These changes have been seen as a positive step towards greater gender equality within the church.

The Church’s Stance on LGBT Issues

Another important issue facing contemporary Mormonism is the church’s evolving stance on LGBT issues. While the church has historically been opposed to same-sex marriage, there have been some recent signs of a change in direction.

In 2015, the church issued a statement emphasizing the importance of treating LGBT individuals with compassion and understanding. The statement also supported non-discrimination laws that protect LGBT people from discrimination in housing and employment. However, the church reaffirmed its stance that marriage should be between a man and a woman.

Mormonism’s Global Expansion

Finally, contemporary Mormonism is facing the challenges and opportunities of global expansion. The church has seen rapid growth in recent years, particularly in countries outside of the United States.

This growth has brought with it new challenges, such as the need to adapt to different cultures and languages. However, it has also opened up new opportunities for the church to serve and support people around the world.


In conclusion, contemporary Mormonism is a religion that continues to evolve and adapt to changing times. From increased roles for women to a shifting stance on LGBT issues, the church is grappling with a variety of challenges and opportunities in the modern world.

Through it all, the core principles of Mormonism remain the same: a belief in Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world, a commitment to serving others, and a desire to create a better world for all people. As the church continues to grow and change, it remains an important and influential force in the world today.

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